Thursday 29 September 2011

Mr Stress

I have a new little creature sitting next to me at the moment.
Some of you may remember Mr Depression.......
this one I am calling Mr Stress.

For the time being I have been able to eradicate Mr Depression but Mr Stress is now waiting to jump on board.

There are many things on my "list" to buy and pack.
I have not started any of it yet.

Between choosing and buying bathroom items (to totally remodel 2 bathrooms), emptying out Scott's wardrobe (that he is going to lose) and clearing out the bathrooms......there is not much time for anything else.

I have children, I have a house to keep organised, meals need to be cooked, washing needs to be organised and both kids have had their friends sleep over (3 times!).

Haircuts are needed, animals need a vet check up, waxing (so Amanda no longer looks like a man) and Chelsea Park on Sunday.

I WILL get it all done, but at what cost to my sanity ?!
I REFUSE to let Mr Stress jump on board.
I can feel him pushing on my forehead but I continue to imagine it being kept at arms length.

Anyway must go now.
Scott is ringing asking me to finalise bathroom tasks, haircuts occur in 30 minutes and then I getting a tutorial on a new program for my computer (which will be very handy while we are away!).

My brother just texted me to say "I might come for dinner tonight".
My response "Oh will you now ??!!".
Just add it to everything else today.

But I will leave you with a conversation Tom had with his sleepover friend yesterday.......
A: Are you going to the Melbourne Show?
T: No, cause we are going to Disneyland.
A: Well don't go there. Stay at my house and then you can come to the show with me.
T: Oh I can't. I have already got my passport.

The mind of a 5 year old !!!!


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