Friday 22 June 2012

Sick Week

I can honestly say that Tom has been sick only 2 times in his little life.
One of those times was this week.

When Tom was still asleep at 8:05am on Monday morning, I knew something was wrong.
When he eventually woke up he was emotional and complaining of "hurting" everywhere.

For the entire day he slept.
He would wake up to have a sip of water and then fall asleep again.

It was sad for me to watch and definately pulled at my heart strings BUT I knew he would recover.

The next day was Tom's 6th Birthday and unfortunately he was still sick.
I could also feel strong body aches taking over me.

Wednesday....Tom and I are very sick.

Thursday ....Amelia is home and feels average and Scott wakes up lying in a massive bucket of sweat.


A week of lying on the couch (or in bed) unable to move.

As Scott, Tom and I slowly recover, Amelia is definately beginning to suffer like we all have.
Antibiotics immediately for her, we do not want to risk a hospital visit.

So fingers crossed for a better week, next week.

I would like to personally thank *Mr Christian Grey for getting me through this week.

He has made it a lot easier to rest and lie on the couch.
The anticipation of the next page (literally) making it easier to get out of bed and move to the lounge room.

So cheers to recovery for my family and the many people on FB that are sick right now.


* 50 shades of grey : Book

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