Tuesday 25 February 2014

work / life balance

What an interesting moment in time this is for myself and my family.
APPARENTLY I am not allowed to talk about work on social media, so lets talk about other things......

Self assessment on yourself as a person ???
Assessing where you are and what you have achieved at this point in your life ??
Looking at what type of person you are and how you can change or adjust??
What kind of day to day life you want ???

Yep that sounds good.

I ALWAYS assess everything that I do.
Always stand back and wonder whether it was the right thing.

Work aside, because I am not allowed to talk about that, my social life has taken a new kind of twist lately.
I can talk about that because it closely affects Amelia and Tom's life.

Recently we have been getting together with people that are kind of new, but kind of not, in our lives.
"Meeting with" means talking, drinking, eating and spending time with.
They are not judgemental nor do they come to us with preconceived views.
It appears they just accept us for US..........post EVERYTHING.
The new US.
Post Amelia diagnosis and everything else.

We have fun.
Probably too much fun.

Saturday night we attended a Trivia Night for Amelia's Special School.
I relaxed and had fun.
The next day, I regretted making a speech from a "parents perspective" in front of 350 people.
I was worried that I put a "dampener" on the night.
It was spur of the moment and I ....... well........ I just went with it.

I explained EVERYTHING.\
And I mean everything.

I wanted everyone in that room to understand what kind of children they were there for.

But now I deeply regret it.
I should have just stayed in my seat.

When I was growing up, I knew someone that drank alcohol and had to be the centre of attention.


I feel like I may have been "that person" Saturday night.

Self Assesment.

Tonight a compettition is occuring in our house.
Who can make the best Milkshake.
Amelia has always been the winner........
but tonight she has challenged us all.

Tom said to me "Find out which one is hers. She needs to win cause she has AT".
I said "No. The best one needs to win, but so far she makes the best one".

Tom is amazing BUT special needs does not always need the sympathy vote to win.
The BEST can sometimes just win alone.

Work AND home life is tough but I am thankful that Scott is here for Amelia's and Tom's emotional stability.


PS Has anyone got a really amazing chocolate milkshake recipe.
I need to win.

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