Sunday 8 May 2011

Mothers Day

Today is no different to any other.
It is Mothers Day but we are Mothers every day.

I do not think any of us are materialistic enough to believe that we need presents and cards to be told how much we are appreciated.

Everyday I am proud to be the mother of 2 beautiful children.
They can "do my head in" and I do have bad mood days like everyone else, but at the end of the day we love our kids........unconditionally.

At 36 years of age, I am confident enough to appreciate every moment I have with my children.

Think about life before children.
It is like we have been granted entry to a "secret garden" of love and experience that only people with children could possibly understand.
Amelia was a surprise for us.
We were forced into this garden.
But I would have it no other way.
Amelia and Tom are a major part of our lives.

I have my soulmate in Scott (21 years) and two children that I carried inside of me, delivered and breastfed. I have left them for their first sleepeovers with grandparents, socialised them with other children and taught them manners.

Everyday is Mothers Day for me and I am confident enough that I do not need just one day to justify my accomplishments.

I am the mother of Amelia and Tom and I am proud of my achievements.
Scott and I will be together forever no matter what happens.


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